Colorado, Texas
550 South Wadsworth Blvd. #401
Lakewood, CO 80226
8:30am - 5pm M-F
The whole financial picture- what does yours look like?
If you are working with a financial adviser, you are probably accustom to an annual review. You meet once a year to discuss your current investments and focus on that big number: your account balance. What was your rate of return? How much did it go up? If there was a loss, what needs to change? Do you need to have more or less risk, should your portfolio be re-balanced? Are you diversified enough? Do you have any questions? Then you say goodbye for a year, hoping you and your adviser made the correct adjustments and your financial crop will flourish.
That's great, but what does your account balance number really mean? Do you know when you can retire and how long your money will last? Have you written down lifelong goals and created a budget so you know what your retirement income target is? Have you adjusted it annually for the effects of inflation? Have you considered the effects of taxes on your account when you're taking money from your IRA/401k and discussed ways to reduce them? How about taking steps to maximize your Social Security income and potential benefits from a current or former spouse? And how are you preparing for potential long-term care costs? Have you considered how to best leave assets to your family when you are gone? Your account balance, it's just a number. Without comprehensive planning, how do you sleep well at night knowing you are on track?
"Savers must stop focusing on amassing the largest possible pot of savings and instead invest in ways that secure a guaranteed income in retirement," Harvard Business Review. In other words, your number needs to translate into a paycheck for life, and a diligent and comprehensive adviser will help you do just that.
"Your finances are like an orchestra. When all of the instruments play together at the right time with the right notes, you make beautiful music. You need a conductor who will bring it all together," Jo-Ann Holst.
Of course with the many moving parts that make up your financial plan, it's important to have the right tools. That's why we utilize advanced financial analyzing software to put it all together. The result is a periodic, short and easy to understand analysis. Our software gives you a year-by-year snap-shot of your financial future.
If you're looking for a financial adviser in the Denver area who will help you reach your financial goals, including the most important: future income, call JHA today and get started. There's no cost to meet. Or attend one of our upcoming classes.
Areas of Focus
- Financial lifestyle planning
- Women in transition
- Income planning
- Investments
- Social Security strategizing
- Educational workshops
- Medicare
- Life Insurance
Interests & Community Participation
- Hands Automotive Board Member -Hands is a nonprofit organization passionate about serving an often overlooked group - single mothers and widows in need.
- Member Fellowship of Fiduciary Educators
- Women's lifestyle financial education
- Gardening
- Fused glass art
- Spending time with my two lovely daughters and granddaughter
- Biking
- BS Geology, SUNY at Albany – 1980

The content contained herein is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation or offer to sell securities or investment advisory services. Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results and clients should not assume that future performance will be comparable to past performance.
Our Form ADV Part 2A firm disclosure document is available for review. View Form ADV Part 2A, call or email to request a copy. This document contains detailed information about Royal Fund Management, LLC and the services provided.
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